Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
3,186 lines
; PMODE v3.0 DPMI/VCPI/XMS/raw protected mode interface kernel.
; Copyright (c) 1994, Tran (a.k.a. Thomas Pytel).
public _pm_selectors, _pm_pagetables, _pm_rmstacklen, _pm_rmstacks
public _pm_callbacks, _pm_pmstacklen, _pm_pmstacks
public _pm_info, _pm_init
PMODE_TEXT segment para public use16 'CODE'
off equ offset
SELCODE = 08h ; PMODE_TEXT code selector
SELZERO = 10h ; selector of entire memory space
SELCALLBACKDS = 18h ; callback DS selector
SELREAL = 20h ; real mode attributes selector
SELVCPITSS = 28h ; TSS selector for VCPI
SELVCPICODE = 30h ; VCPI call code selector
SYSSELECTORS = 9 ; number of system selectors in GDT
align 4
dpmiepmode dd ? ; DPMI enter pmode addx
codebase dd ? ; PMODE_TEXT linear address
vcpistrucaddx dd off vcpi_cr3 ; VCPI switch structure linear address
oldint15vector dd ? ; preserved INT 15h vector
pmstacktop dd ? ; top of protected mode stack area
pmstackbase dd ? ; bottom of protected mode stack area
callbackbase dd ? ; base of real mode callbacks
callbackseg dw ? ; segment of callbacks
selzero dw SELZERO ; for immediate segreg loading
selcallbackds dw SELCALLBACKDS ; for immediate segreg loading
rawextmemused dw 1 ; raw extended memory used in K
rawextmembase dd 0ffffffffh ; raw extended memory base
rawextmemtop dd 0 ; raw extended memory top
rmstackbase dw ? ; bottom of real mode stack area
rmstacktop dw ? ; top of real mode stack area
rmstackparmlen dw ? ; for functions 0300h, 0301h, 0302h
gdtseg dw ? ; segment of GDT
gdtlimit dw ? ; GDT limit |
gdtbase dd ? ; GDT base |
idtlimit dw 7ffh ; IDT limit |
idtbase dd ? ; IDT base |
rmidtlimit dw 3ffh ; real mode IDT limit |
rmidtbase dd 0 ; real mode IDT base |
rmtopmswrout dw off v_rmtopmsw ; addx of real to protected routine
pmtormswrout dd off v_pmtormsw ; addx of protected to real routine
pagetablebase dd ? ; base of page table area
pagetabletop dd ? ; top of page table area
pagetablenum db ? ; number of page tables
_pm_pagetables db 1 ; number of page tables under VCPI
_pm_selectors dw 64 ; max selectors under VCPI/XMS/raw
_pm_rmstacklen dw 20h ; real mode stack length, in para
_pm_pmstacklen dw 40h ; protected mode stack length, in para
_pm_rmstacks db 4 ; real mode stack nesting
_pm_pmstacks db 2 ; protected mode stack nesting
_pm_callbacks db 16 ; number of real mode callbacks
db ? ; for alignment
pmstacklen dd ? ; protected mode stack length in bytes
processortype db ? ; processor type |
pmodetype db 2 ; protected mode type |
picslave db 70h ; PIC slave base interrupt |
picmaster db 8 ; PIC master base interrupt |
tempd0 label dword ; temporary variables |
tempw0 label word ; |
tempb0 db ? ; |
tempb1 db ? ; |
tempw1 label word ; |
tempb2 db ? ; |
tempb3 db ? ; |
tempd1 label dword ; |
tempw2 label word ; |
tempb4 db ? ; |
tempb5 db ? ; |
tempw3 label word ; |
tempb6 db ? ; |
tempb7 db ? ; |
xms_callip dw ? ; XMS driver offset |
xms_callcs dw ? ; XMS driver segment |
vcpi_cr3 dd ? ; VCPI CR3 value for protected mode |
vcpi_gdtaddx dd off gdtlimit ; linear addx of GDT limit and base |
vcpi_idtaddx dd off idtlimit ; linear addx of IDT limit and base |
vcpi_selldt dw 0 ; LDT selector for protected mode |
vcpi_seltss dw SELVCPITSS ; TSS selector for protected mode |
vcpi_eip dd off v_rmtopmswpm; destination EIP in protected mode |
vcpi_cs dw SELCODE ; destination CS in protected mode |
vcpi_calleip dd ? ; VCPI protected mode call offset |
vcpi_callcs dw SELVCPICODE ; VCPI protected mode call selector |
initrouttbl dw r_init, x_init, v_init, d_init
int31functbl dw 0900h, 0901h, 0902h, 0000h, 0001h, 0003h, 0006h, 0007h
dw 0008h, 0009h, 0200h, 0201h, 0204h, 0205h, 0305h, 0306h
dw 0400h
dw 000ah, 000bh, 000ch, 000eh, 000fh
dw 0300h, 0301h, 0302h
dw 0303h, 0304h
dw 0500h, 0501h, 0502h, 0503h, 050ah
INT31FUNCNUM = ($ - int31functbl) / 2
int31routtbl dw int310900, int310901, int310902, int310000
dw int310001, int310003, int310006, int310007
dw int310008, int310009, int310200, int310201
dw int310204, int310205, int310305, int310306
dw int310400
dw int31000a, int31000b, int31000c, int31000e, int31000f
dw int310300, int310301, int310302
dw int310303, int310304
int31mrouttbl dw int310500v, int310501v, int310502v, int310503v
dw int31050av
int31mxrouttbl dw int310500x, int310501x, int310502x, int310503x
dw int31050ax
int31mrrouttbl dw int310500r, int310501r, int310502r, int310503r
dw int31050ar
int31mnrouttbl dw int310500rnomem, int31fail8013, int31fail8023
dw int31fail8023, int31fail8023
; Get protected mode info
; Out:
; AX - return code:
; 0000h - successful
; 0001h - no 80386+ detected
; 0002h - system already in protected mode and no VCPI or DPMI found
; 0003h - DPMI - host is not 32bit
; CF - set on error, if no error:
; BX - number of paragraphs needed for protected mode data (may be 0)
; CL - processor type:
; 03h - 80386
; 04h - 80486
; 05h - 80586
; 06h-FFh - reserved for future use
; CH - protected mode type:
; 00h - raw
; 01h - XMS
; 02h - VCPI
; 03h - DPMI
push dx si di ds es bx cx ; preserve registers
push cs ; DS = CS (PMODE_TEXT)
pop ds
mov ax,1687h ; check for DPMI
int 2fh
or ax,ax ; DPMI present?
jnz short @@infof0 ; if no, go on
mov ax,3 ; error code in case DPMI not 32bit
test bl,1 ; is DPMI 32bit?
jz @@infofail ; if no, fail
mov ax,1 ; error code in case no processor 386+
cmp cl,3 ; is processor 386+?
jb @@infofail ; if no, fail
mov word ptr dpmiepmode[0],di ; store DPMI initial mode switch addx
mov word ptr dpmiepmode[2],es
mov bx,si ; BX = number of paragraphs needed
mov ch,3 ; pmode type is 3 (DPMI)
jmp @@infook ; go to done ok
call detect_processor ; get processor type
mov ax,1 ; error code in case no processor 386+
cmp cl,3 ; is processor 386+?
jb @@infofail ; if no, fail
mov processortype,cl ; store processor type
xor ax,ax ; get INT 67h vector
mov es,ax
mov ax,es:[67h*4]
or ax,es:[67h*4+2] ; is vector NULL
jz short @@infof2 ; if yes, no VCPI
mov ax,0de00h ; call VCPI installation check
int 67h
or ah,ah ; AH returned as 0?
jnz short @@infof2 ; if no, no VCPI
movzx bx,_pm_pagetables ; BX = VCPI page table memory needed
shl bx,8 ; 100h paragraphs per page table
add bx,100h+0ffh+7+80h ; + page dir + align buf + TSS + IDT
mov ch,2 ; pmode type is 2 (VCPI)
jmp short @@infof1 ; go to figure other memory needed
smsw ax ; AX = machine status word
test al,1 ; is system in protected mode?
mov ax,2 ; error code in case protected mode
jnz short @@infofail ; if in protected mode, fail
mov ax,4300h ; chek for XMS
int 2fh
cmp al,80h ; XMS present?
sete ch ; if yes, pmode type is XMS
mov bx,80h ; BX = memory requirement (IDT)
movzx ax,_pm_rmstacks ; size of real mode stack area
imul ax,_pm_rmstacklen
add bx,ax
movzx ax,_pm_pmstacks ; size of protected mode stack area
imul ax,_pm_pmstacklen
add bx,ax
movzx ax,_pm_callbacks ; size of callbacks
imul ax,25
add ax,0fh
shr ax,4
add bx,ax
mov ax,_pm_selectors ; size of GDT
shr ax,1
add bx,ax
jmp short @@infook ; go to done ok
pop cx bx ; restore BX and CX
stc ; carry set, failed
jmp short @@infodone
mov pmodetype,ch ; store pmode type
add sp,4 ; skip BX and CX on stack
xor ax,ax ; success code, also clear carry flag
pop es ds di si dx ; restore other registers
retf ; return
detect_processor: ; get processor: 386, 486, or 586
xor cl,cl ; processor type 0 in case of exit
pushf ; transfer FLAGS to BX
pop bx
mov ax,bx ; try to clear high 4 bits of FLAGS
and ah,0fh
push ax ; transfer AX to FLAGS
pushf ; transfer FLAGS back to AX
pop ax
and ah,0f0h ; isolate high 4 bits
cmp ah,0f0h
je short @@detect_processordone ; if bits are set, CPU is 8086/8
mov cl,2 ; processor type 2 in case of exit
or bh,0f0h ; try to set high 4 bits of FLAGS
push bx ; transfer BX to FLAGS
pushf ; transfer FLAGS to AX
pop ax
and ah,0f0h ; isolate high 4 bits
jz short @@detect_processordone ; if bits are not set, CPU is 80286
inc cx ; processor type 3 in case of exit
push eax ebx ; preserve 32bit registers
pushfd ; transfer EFLAGS to EBX
pop ebx
mov eax,ebx ; try to flip AC bit in EFLAGS
xor eax,40000h
push eax ; transfer EAX to EFLAGS
pushfd ; transfer EFLAGS back to EAX
pop eax
xor eax,ebx ; AC bit fliped?
jz short @@detect_processordone2; if no, CPU is 386
inc cx ; processor type 3 in case of exit
mov eax,ebx ; try to flip ID bit in EFLAGS
xor eax,200000h
push eax ; transfer EAX to EFLAGS
pushfd ; transfer EFLAGS back to EAX
pop eax
xor eax,ebx ; ID bit fliped?
jz short @@detect_processordone2; if no, CPU is 486
inc cx ; processor type 5, CPU is 586
pop ebx eax ; restore 32bit registers
ret ; return
; Initialize protected mode
; In:
; ES - real mode segment for protected mode data (ignored if not needed)
; Out:
; AX - return code:
; 0000h - successful
; 0001h - no 80386+ detected
; 0002h - system already in protected mode and no VCPI or DPMI found
; 0003h - DPMI - host is not 32bit
; 0004h - could not enable A20 gate
; 0005h - DPMI - could not enter 32bit protected mode
; 0006h - DPMI - could not allocate needed selectors
; CF - set on error, if no error:
; ESP - high word clear
; CS - 16bit selector for real mode CS with limit of 64k
; SS - selector for real mode SS with limit of 64k
; DS - selector for real mode DS with limit of 64k
; ES - selector for PSP with limit of 100h
; FS - 0 (NULL selector)
; GS - 0 (NULL selector)
push bx cx ; get initial info on protected mode
call far ptr _pm_info
pop cx bx
jnc short @@initf0 ; error?
retf ; yup, abort
@@initf0: ; no error, init protected mode
push ds
mov bp,sp
push cs ; DS = PMODE_TEXT
pop ds
mov eax,PMODE_TEXT ; set base addx of PMODE_TEXT
shl eax,4
mov codebase,eax
movzx bx,pmodetype ; jump to appropriate init code
shl bx,1
jmp initrouttbl[bx]
d_init: ; DPMI protected mode init
pop ds ; get original caller DS from stack
mov ax,1 ; enter DPMI protected mode
call cs:dpmiepmode
push ds ; put DS back onto stack
jnc short dvxr_init ; error? if not, go on with init
mov bx,6 ; error entering protected mode, set
cmp ax,8011h ; error code and abort
je short init_done
mov bl,5 ; error code 5, not 6
init_done: ; return with return code
mov [bp+30],bx
pop ds
dvxr_init: ; DPMI/VCPI/XMS/raw common init tail
mov bx,cs ; BX = CS if needed for same seg exit
cmp word ptr [bp+36],PMODE_TEXT ; call came from same segment?
je short @@dvxr_initdone ; if yes, done now
xor ax,ax ; allocate selector for return code
mov cx,1
int 31h
jnc short @@dvxr_initf0
mov ah,4ch ; could not allocate selector
int 21h ; terminate immediately
mov bx,ax ; new code descriptor for return
mov ax,0007h ; set base address of calling segment
xor cx,cx
mov dx,[bp+36]
shld cx,dx,4
shl dx,4
int 31h
mov ax,0008h ; set selector limit of 64k
xor cx,cx
mov dx,0ffffh
int 31h
mov ax,0009h ; set selector type and access rights
mov dx,cs ; get DPL from current CPL, and access
lar cx,dx ; rights and type from current CS
shr cx,8 ; type is already 16bit code segment
int 31h
mov [bp+36],bx ; store selector in return address
xor bx,bx ; init successful, carry clear
jmp init_done
v_init: ; VCPI protected mode init
mov ax,0de0ah ; get PIC mappings
int 67h
mov picmaster,bl
mov picslave,cl
mov eax,codebase ; adjust addresses for VCPI structure
add vcpi_gdtaddx,eax
add vcpi_idtaddx,eax
add vcpistrucaddx,eax
mov dx,es ; align data area on page
add dx,0ffh
xor dl,dl
mov es,dx
movzx eax,dx ; set base and top of page table area
shl eax,4
add eax,1000h
mov pagetablebase,eax
movzx ecx,_pm_pagetables
shl ecx,12
add eax,ecx
mov pagetabletop,eax
xor di,di ; clear page dir and first page table
mov cx,1000h
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
mov gs,dx ; FS = segment of page directory
lea eax,[edx+100h]
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of first page table
mov fs,ax ; GS = segment of first page table
push ss ; stack space for VCPI descriptors
pop ds
sub sp,8*3
mov si,sp
xor di,di ; get VCPI protected mode interface
mov ax,0de01h
int 67h
push cs ; DS = PMODE_TEXT
pop ds
mov vcpi_calleip,ebx ; store protected mode VCPI call EIP
movzx si,dh ; get physical address of page dir
shl si,2 ; from first page table for CR3
lods dword ptr fs:[si]
mov vcpi_cr3,eax
and byte ptr es:[di+1],0f1h ; clear bits 9-11 in copied page table
sub di,4
jnc @@v_initl0
mov dx,es ; DX = current page table segment
xor ebx,ebx ; index in page dir, also loop counter
jmp short @@v_initl1f0
xor di,di ; clear page table
mov cx,800h
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
add dx,100h ; increment page table segment
mov es,dx
lods dword ptr fs:[si] ; set physical address of page table
mov gs:[ebx*4],eax ; in page directory
inc bx ; increment index in page directory
cmp bl,_pm_pagetables ; at end of page tables?
jb @@v_initl1 ; if no, loop
push dx ; preserve seg of TSS for later use
xor di,di ; clear TSS with all 0
mov cx,34h
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
mov eax,vcpi_cr3 ; set CR3 in TSS
mov es:[1ch],eax
mov dword ptr es:[66h],68h ; set offset of I/O permission bitmap
add dx,7 ; increment next data area ptr
mov es,dx
vxr_init: ; VCPI/XMS/raw common init tail
mov ax,es ; set IDT base address
movzx ebx,ax
shl ebx,4
mov idtbase,ebx
movzx bx,_pm_rmstacks ; set top and base of real mode stack
imul bx,_pm_rmstacklen ; area for interrupt redirection
add ax,80h ; from protected mode
mov rmstackbase,ax
add ax,bx
mov rmstacktop,ax
xor di,di ; set up IDT
mov dx,word ptr picslave
xor ecx,ecx
lea eax,[SELCODE*10000h+ecx*4+off intrmatrix]
mov eax,8e00h ; interrupt gate type
mov bl,cl ; isolate high 5 bits of int num
and bl,0f8h
test cl,0f8h ; one of the low 8 interrupts?
jz short @@vxr_initl0f0 ; if yes, store as interrupt gate
cmp bl,dl ; one of the high IRQs?
je short @@vxr_initl0f0 ; if yes, store as interrupt gate
cmp bl,dh ; one of the low IRQs?
je short @@vxr_initl0f0 ; if yes, store as interrupt gate
or ah,1 ; set to trap gate type
inc cl ; increment interrupt number
jnz @@vxr_initl0 ; loop if more interrupts to go
mov word ptr es:[8*31h],off int31 ; protected mode INT 31h
mov word ptr es:[8*21h],off int21 ; protected mode INT 21h
mov es,rmstacktop ; set next data area ptr to end of
; real mode stack area
mov ax,es ; set protected mode stack area base
movzx eax,ax ; for callbacks
shl eax,4
mov pmstackbase,eax
movzx ecx,_pm_pmstacklen ; set protected mode stack area top
movzx ebx,_pm_pmstacks ; for callbacks
shl ecx,4
mov pmstacklen,ecx ; protected mode stack size in bytes
imul ebx,ecx
add ebx,eax
mov pmstacktop,ebx ; protected mode stack area top
mov cl,_pm_callbacks ; CL = number of callbacks
or cl,cl ; any callbacks?
jz short @@vxr_initf3 ; if no, done with this part
mov callbackbase,ebx ; top of stacks is base of callbacks
shr ebx,4 ; BX = seg of callback area
mov callbackseg,bx
mov es,bx ; ES = seg of callback area
xor di,di ; location within callback seg
mov word ptr es:[di],6066h ; PUSHAD instruction
mov byte ptr es:[di+2],068h ; PUSH WORD instruction
mov word ptr es:[di+3],0 ; immediate 0 used as free flag
mov word ptr es:[di+5],06866h ; PUSH DWORD instruction
mov byte ptr es:[di+11],0b9h ; MOV CX,? instruction
mov word ptr es:[di+14],06866h ; PUSH DWORD instruction
mov byte ptr es:[di+20],0eah ; JMP FAR PTR ?:? intruction
mov word ptr es:[di+21],off callback
mov word ptr es:[di+23],PMODE_TEXT
add di,25 ; increment ptr to callback
dec cl ; decrement loop counter
jnz @@vxr_initl1 ; if more callbacks to do, loop
add di,0fh ; align next data area on paragraph
shr di,4
add bx,di
mov es,bx ; set ES to base of next data area
mov gdtseg,es ; store segment of GDT
mov ax,es ; set GDT base address
movzx eax,ax
shl eax,4
mov gdtbase,eax
mov cx,_pm_selectors ; set GDT limit
lea ecx,[8*ecx+8*5+8*SYSSELECTORS-1]
mov gdtlimit,cx
xor di,di ; clear GDT with all 0
inc cx
shr cx,1
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
cmp pmodetype,2 ; if under VCPI, do VCPI GDT set up
jne short @@vxr_initf1
pop ax ; restore TSS seg from stack
movzx eax,ax ; set up TSS selector in GDT
shl eax,4
mov dword ptr es:[SELVCPITSS+2],eax
mov byte ptr es:[SELVCPITSS],67h
mov byte ptr es:[SELVCPITSS+5],89h
mov di,SELVCPICODE ; copy 3 VCPI descriptors from stack
mov si,sp ; to GDT
mov cx,4*3
rep movs word ptr es:[di],word ptr ss:[si]
add sp,8*3 ; adjust stack
mov word ptr es:[SELZERO],0ffffh; set SELZERO descriptor
mov word ptr es:[SELZERO+5],0df92h
mov word ptr es:[SELCALLBACKDS],0ffffh ; set callback DS descriptor
mov word ptr es:[SELCALLBACKDS+5],0df92h
mov word ptr es:[SELREAL],0ffffh; set real mode attributes descriptor
mov word ptr es:[SELREAL+5],01092h
mov ax,cs ; set SELCODE descriptor (PMODE_TEXT)
mov bx,SELCODE ; BX = index to SELCODE descriptor
mov cx,0ffffh ; CX = limit (64k)
mov dx,109ah ; DX = access rights
call vxr_initsetdsc
mov bx,8*SYSSELECTORS ; BX = base of free descriptors
push bx ; store selector
mov ax,ss ; set caller SS descriptor
mov dx,5092h
call vxr_initsetdsc
mov ax,[bp] ; set caller DS descriptor
mov [bp],bx ; put DS selector on stack for exit
call vxr_initsetdsc
push bx ; get PSP segment
mov ah,51h
int 21h
mov si,bx
pop bx
mov fs,si ; set caller environment descriptor
mov ax,fs:[2ch]
or ax,ax ; is environment seg 0?
jz short @@vxr_initf0 ; if yes, dont convert to descriptor
mov fs:[2ch],bx ; store selector value in PSP
call vxr_initsetdsc
mov ax,si ; set caller PSP descriptor
mov cx,0ffh ; limit is 100h bytes
call vxr_initsetdsc
lea ecx,[ebx-8] ; CX = ES descriptor, just set
pop dx ; DX = SS descriptor, from stack
mov ax,SELZERO ; AX = DS descriptor, SELZERO
movzx ebx,sp ; EBX = SP, current SP - same stack
mov si,SELCODE ; target CS is SELCODE, same segment
mov edi,off @@vxr_initf2 ; target EIP
jmp rmtopmswrout ; jump to mode switch routine
mov edi,cs:codebase ; EDI = offset of PMODE_TEXT from 0
mov eax,ds:[4*15h] ; get INT 15h vector
mov ds:oldint15vector[edi],eax ; store INT 15h vector
mov esi,cs:rawextmembase ; ESI = raw base of extended memory
cmp esi,cs:rawextmemtop ; is there any raw extended memory?
jae dvxr_init ; if no, go DPMI/VCPI/XMS/raw init
dw 0b866h,off int15,PMODE_TEXT ; MOV EAX,PMODE_TEXT:offset int15
mov ds:[4*15h],eax ; set new INT 15h handler
mov edi,cs:rawextmemtop ; EDI = raw top of extended memory
mov eax,edi ; EAX = size of extended memory
sub eax,esi
sub eax,10h ; subtract memory control block size
mov [edi-16],eax ; store size in memory control block
xor eax,eax
mov [edi-12],eax ; no next memory control block
mov [edi-8],eax ; no previous memory control block
mov [edi-4],al ; memory block is free
jmp dvxr_init ; go to DPMI/VCPI/XMS/raw init tail
vxr_initsetdsc: ; set descriptor for VCPI/XMS/raw init
movzx eax,ax ; EAX = base of segment
shl eax,4
mov word ptr es:[bx],cx ; limit = CX
mov dword ptr es:[bx+2],eax ; base address = EAX
mov word ptr es:[bx+5],dx ; access rights = DX
add bx,8 ; increment descriptor index
x_init: ; XMS protected mode init
push es ; preserve ES, INT 2Fh destroys it
mov ax,4310h ; get XMS driver address
int 2fh
mov xms_callip,bx ; store XMS driver address
mov xms_callcs,es
pop es ; restore ES (buffer segment)
mov ah,3 ; enable A20
call dword ptr xms_callip
mov bx,4 ; error code 0004h in case of error
cmp ax,1 ; error enabling A20?
jc init_done ; if yes, exit with error 0004h
mov si,off int31mxrouttbl ; set XMS memory allocation functions
xr_init: ; XMS/raw common init tail
push es ; preserve ES, INT 2Fh destroys it
push ds ; ES = DS for table copy
pop es
mov di,off int31mrouttbl ; copy memory allocation function
mov cx,5 ; addresses to table
rep movsw
pop es ; restore ES (buffer segment)
mov rmtopmswrout,off xr_rmtopmsw; set XMS/raw mode switch addresses
mov pmtormswrout,off xr_pmtormsw
jmp vxr_init ; go to VCPI/XMS/raw continue init
r_init: ; raw protected mode init
mov ah,88h ; how much extended memory free
int 15h
mov si,off int31mnrouttbl ; SI -> no memory allocation functions
or ax,ax ; if none, done with raw init
jz xr_init
movzx eax,ax ; convert AX K to ptr to top of mem
shl eax,10
add eax,100000h
mov cs:rawextmemtop,eax
call enablea20 ; enable A20
push es ; preserve ES (buffer segment)
xor cx,cx ; ES -> 0 (interrupt vector table)
mov es,cx
les bx,dword ptr es:[4*19h] ; ES:BX -> int vector table
mov eax,100000h ; initial free extended memory base
cmp dword ptr es:[bx+12h],'SIDV'; VDISK memory allocation?
jne short @@r_initf0 ; if present, get base of free mem
mov eax,dword ptr es:[bx+2ch] ; get first free byte of extended mem
add eax,0fh ; align on paragraph
and eax,0fffff0h ; address is only 24bit
dec cx ; ES -> 0ffffh for ext mem addressing
mov es,cx
cmp dword ptr es:[13h],'SIDV' ; VDISK memory allocation?
jne short @@r_initf1 ; if present, get base of free mem
movzx ebx,word ptr es:[2eh] ; get first free K of extended memory
shl ebx,10 ; adjust K to bytes
cmp eax,ebx ; pick larger of 2 addresses
ja short @@r_initf1
mov eax,ebx
pop es ; restore ES (buffer segment)
mov si,off int31mnrouttbl ; SI -> no memory allocation functions
cmp eax,cs:rawextmemtop ; any valid free extended memory
jae xr_init ; if none, done with raw init
mov cs:rawextmembase,eax
mov si,off int31mrrouttbl ; set raw memory allocation functions
jmp xr_init ; go to XMS/raw continue init
enablea20: ; hardware enable gate A20
push fs gs
xor ax,ax ; set A20 test segments 0 and 0ffffh
mov fs,ax
dec ax
mov gs,ax
call enablea20test ; is A20 already enabled?
jz short @@enablea20done ; if yes, done
in al,92h ; PS/2 A20 enable
or al,2
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
out 92h,al
call enablea20test ; is A20 enabled?
jz short @@enablea20done ; if yes, done
call enablea20kbwait ; AT A20 enable
jnz short @@enablea20f0
mov al,0d1h
out 64h,al
call enablea20kbwait
jnz short @@enablea20f0
mov al,0dfh
out 60h,al
call enablea20kbwait
@@enablea20f0: ; wait for A20 to enable
mov cx,800h ; do 800h tries
call enablea20test ; is A20 enabled?
jz @@enablea20done ; if yes, done
in al,40h ; get current tick counter
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
in al,40h
mov ah,al
@@enablea20l1: ; wait a single tick
in al,40h
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
in al,40h
cmp al,ah
je @@enablea20l1
loop @@enablea20l0 ; loop for another try
mov bp,sp ; error, A20 did not enable
mov ax,4 ; error code 4
mov word ptr [bp+6],off init_done ; set init_done return address
pop gs fs
enablea20kbwait: ; wait for safe to write to 8042
xor cx,cx
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
in al,64h ; read 8042 status
test al,2 ; buffer full?
loopnz @@enablea20kbwaitl0 ; if yes, loop
enablea20test: ; test for enabled A20
mov al,fs:[0] ; get byte from 0:0
mov ah,al ; preserve old byte
not al ; modify byte
xchg al,gs:[10h] ; put modified byte to 0ffffh:10h
cmp ah,fs:[0] ; set zero if byte at 0:0 not modified
xchg al,gs:[10h] ; put back old byte at 0ffffh:10h
ret ; return, zero if A20 enabled
int15: ; real mode INT 15h handler
cmp ah,88h ; function 88h?
je short @@int15f0 ; if yes, need to process
jmp cs:oldint15vector ; no, go on to old INT 15h handler
pushf ; call old int 15h handler
call cs:oldint15vector
sub ax,cs:rawextmemused ; adjust AX by extended memory used
iret ; return with new AX extended memory
v_rmtopmsw: ; VCPI real to protected switch
pushf ; store FLAGS
push cs ; DS = PMODE_TEXT
pop ds
pop tempw0 ; move FLAGS from stack to temp
mov tempw1,ax ; store AX (protected mode DS)
mov tempw2,si ; store SI (protected mode CS)
mov esi,vcpistrucaddx ; ESI = linear addx of VCPI structure
mov ax,0de0ch ; VCPI switch to protected mode
int 67h
mov ss,dx ; load protected mode SS:ESP
mov esp,ebx
mov ds,cs:tempw1 ; load protected mode DS
mov es,cx ; load protected mode ES
xor ax,ax
mov fs,ax ; load protected mode FS with NULL
mov gs,ax ; load protected mode GS with NULL
pushfd ; store EFLAGS
mov ax,cs:tempw0 ; move bits 0-11 of old FLAGS onto
and ah,0fh ; stack for IRETD
and word ptr [esp],0f000h
or [esp],ax
push cs:tempd1 ; store protected mode target CS
push edi ; store protected mode target EIP
iretd ; go to targed addx in protected mode
v_pmtormsw: ; VCPI protected to real switch
pushf ; store FLAGS
push ax ; store AX (real mode DS)
mov ds,cs:selzero ; DS -> 0 (beginning of memory)
movzx ebx,bx ; clear high word of EBX, real mode SP
movzx edx,dx ; clear high word of EDX, real mode SS
lea eax,[edx*4] ; EAX = linear ptr to top of real mode
lea eax,[eax*4+ebx] ; stack
mov dword ptr ds:[eax-4],0 ; store real mode GS
mov dword ptr ds:[eax-8],0 ; store real mode FS
movzx ecx,cx ; clear high word of ECX, real mode ES
mov ds:[eax-16],ecx ; store real mode ES
pop cx ; move real mode DS from protected
mov ds:[eax-12],ecx ; mode stack to VCPI call stack
mov ds:[eax-20],edx ; store real mode SS
mov ds:[eax-24],ebx ; store real mode SP
mov dword ptr ds:[eax-32],PMODE_TEXT ; store real mode CS
mov dword ptr ds:[eax-36],off @@v_pmtormswf0 ; store real mode IP
pop bx ; restore FLAGS from stack
mov ss,cs:selzero ; SS -> 0 (beginning of memory)
lea esp,[eax-4*9] ; ESP = stack ptr for VCPI call
mov ax,0de0ch ; VCPI switch to real mode (V86)
call fword ptr cs:vcpi_calleip
push bx ; store old FLAGS
push si ; store target CS in real mode
push di ; store target IP in real mode
iret ; go to target addx in real mode
xr_rmtopmsw: ; XMS/raw real to protected switch
pushfd ; store EFLAGS
pop cs:tempd0 ; move EFLAGS from stack to temp
mov cs:tempw2,ax ; store AX (protected mode DS)
lidt fword ptr cs:idtlimit ; load protected mode IDT
lgdt fword ptr cs:gdtlimit ; load protected mode GDT
mov eax,cr0 ; switch to protected mode
or al,1
mov cr0,eax
db 0eah ; JMP FAR PTR SELCODE:$+4
dw $+4,SELCODE ; (clear prefetch que)
mov ss,dx ; load protected mode SS:ESP
mov esp,ebx
mov ds,cs:tempw2 ; load protected mode DS
mov es,cx ; load protected mode ES
xor ax,ax
mov fs,ax ; load protected mode FS with NULL
mov gs,ax ; load protected mode GS with NULL
pushf ; set NT=0 in current EFLAGS
and byte ptr [esp+1],0bfh
push cs:tempd0 ; store old EFLAGS
and byte ptr [esp+1],0bfh ; set NT=0 in old EFLAGS
push esi ; store protected mode target CS
push edi ; store protected mode target EIP
iretd ; go to targed addx in protected mode
xr_pmtormsw: ; XMS/raw protected to real switch
pushf ; store FLAGS
push ax ; store AX (real mode DS)
push cx ; store CX (real mode ES)
mov ds,cs:selzero ; DS -> 0 (beginning of memory)
mov ecx,cs:codebase ; get offset of PMODE_TEXT from 0
pop ds:tempw0[ecx] ; move real mode ES from stack to temp
pop ds:tempw1[ecx] ; move real mode DS from stack to temp
pop ds:tempw2[ecx] ; move FLAGS from stack to temp
mov ax,SELREAL ; load descriptors with real mode seg
mov ds,ax ; attributes
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
mov ss,ax ; load descriptor with real mode attr
movzx esp,bx ; load real mode SP, high word 0
lidt fword ptr cs:rmidtlimit ; load real mode IDT
mov eax,cr0 ; switch to real mode
and al,0feh
mov cr0,eax
db 0eah ; JMP FAR PTR PMODE_TEXT:$+4
dw $+4,PMODE_TEXT ; (clear prefetch que)
mov ss,dx ; load real mode SS
mov ds,cs:tempw1 ; load real mode DS
mov es,cs:tempw0 ; load real mode ES
xor ax,ax
mov fs,ax ; load real mode FS with NULL
mov gs,ax ; load real mode GS with NULL
push cs:tempw2 ; store old FLAGS
push si ; store real mode target CS
push di ; store real mode target IP
iret ; go to target addx in real mode
vxr_saverestorerm: ; VCPI/XMS/raw save/restore status
retf ; no save/restore needed, 16bit RETF
vxr_saverestorepm: ; VCPI/XMS/raw save/restore status
db 66h,0cbh ; no save/restore needed, 32bit RETF
critical_error: ; some unrecoverable error
cli ; make sure we are not interrupted
in al,61h ; beep
or al,3
out 61h,al
jmp $ ; now hang
callback: ; real mode callback handler
mov ax,sp ; preserve SS:SP for callback
push ss
push ax
push gs fs ds es ; preserve real mode regs for callback
pushf ; preserve FLAGS for callback
mov ebp,cs:pmstacktop ; EBP = ESP for protected mode
mov ebx,ebp ; set EBX to next stack location
sub ebx,cs:pmstacklen
mov cs:pmstacktop,ebx ; update ptr for possible reenterancy
cmp ebx,cs:pmstackbase ; exceeded protected mode stack space?
jb critical_error ; if yes, critical error (hang)
xor eax,eax ; EAX = base address of SS
mov ax,ss
shl eax,4
movzx ebx,sp ; EBX = current linear SS:SP
add ebx,eax
mov es,cs:gdtseg ; set for protected mode callback DS
or eax,92000000h ; base address in GDT
mov es:[SELCALLBACKDS+2],eax
mov ax,SELZERO ; DS selector for protected mode
mov dx,ax ; SS selector = DS selector
mov si,SELCODE ; target protected mode CS:EIP
mov edi,offset @@callbackf0
jmp cs:rmtopmswrout ; go to protected mode
mov edi,[esp+14] ; EDI -> register structure from stack
lea esi,[esp+24] ; copy general registers from stack
mov ecx,8 ; to register structure
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
mov esi,esp ; copy FLAGS, ES, DS, FG, and GS
movs word ptr es:[edi],word ptr ds:[esi]
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
lods dword ptr ds:[esi] ; EAX = real mode SS:SP from stack
add ax,42 ; adjust SP for stuff on stack
mov es:[edi+4],eax ; put in register structure
mov ds,cs:selcallbackds ; DS = callback DS selector
sub edi,42 ; EDI -> register structure
movzx esi,ax ; ESI = old real mode SP
xchg esp,ebp ; ESP = protected mode stack
pushfd ; push flags for IRETD from callback
db 66h ; push 32bit CS for IRETD
push cs
dw 6866h,@@callbackf1,0 ; push 32bit EIP for IRETD
movzx eax,word ptr [ebp+22] ; EAX = target CS of callback
push eax ; push 32bit CS for RETF to callback
push dword ptr [ebp+18] ; push 32bit EIP for retf
db 66h ; 32bit RETF to callback
push es ; DS:ESI = register structure
pop ds
mov esi,edi
mov es,cs:selzero ; ES -> 0 (beginning of memory)
movzx ebx,word ptr [esi+2eh] ; EBX = real mode SP from structure
movzx edx,word ptr [esi+30h] ; EDX = real mode SS from structure
sub bx,42 ; subtract size of vars to be put
mov ebp,[esi+0ch] ; EBP = pushed ESP from real mode
mov bp,bx ; EBP = old high & new low word of ESP
lea edi,[edx*4] ; EDI -> real mode base of stack
lea edi,[edi*4+ebx] ; of vars to be stored
mov ecx,8 ; copy general registers to stack
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
mov eax,[esi+6] ; EAX = return FS and GS for real mode
mov es:[edi],eax ; store on real mode stack for return
mov ax,[esi] ; AX = return FLAGS for real mode
mov es:[edi+8],ax ; store on real mode stack for return
mov eax,[esi+10] ; EAX = return CS:IP for real mode
mov es:[edi+4],eax ; store on real mode stack for return
mov ax,[esi+4] ; AX = return DS for real mode
mov cx,[esi+2] ; CX = return ES for real mode
mov si,PMODE_TEXT ; real mode target CS:IP
mov di,off @@callbackf2
db 66h ; JMP DWORD PTR, as in 32bit offset,
jmp word ptr cs:pmtormswrout ; not seg:16bit offset
mov esp,ebp ; restore total ESP, old high word
mov eax,cs:pmstacklen ; restore top of protected mode stack
add cs:pmstacktop,eax
popad ; get callback return general regs
pop fs gs ; get callback return FS and GS values
iret ; go to callback return CS:IP
intrmatrix: ; INT redirectors for all INTs
rept 100h
call near ptr intr ; 3 byte CALL
nop ; 1 byte NOP to align on 4
intr: ; general interrupt redirector
sub esp,2
xchg eax,[esp] ; store EAX, also get CALL address
push ecx edx ebx esp ebp esi edi; store rest of registers for POPAD
push ds es fs gs
mov ds,cs:selzero ; DS -> 0 (beginning of memory)
mov edi,cs:codebase ; EDI = offset of PMODE_TEXT from 0
mov dx,cs:rmstacktop ; DX = SS for real mode redirection
movzx ebp,dx ; EBP -> top of real mode stack
shl ebp,4
mov bx,cs:_pm_rmstacklen ; get size of real mode stack
sub dx,bx ; adjust DX to next stack location
mov ds:rmstacktop[edi],dx ; update ptr for possible reenterancy
shl bx,4 ; set real mode SP to top of stack
cmp dx,cs:rmstackbase ; exceeded real mode stack space?
jb critical_error ; if yes, critical error (hang)
mov ds:[ebp-2],ss ; store SS:ESP on real mode stack
mov ds:[ebp-6],esp
shr eax,16 ; move CALL address to AX
sub ax,off intrmatrix ; AX = int number, since AX is:
shr ax,2 ; intrmatrix + (int number * 4)
mov ah,al ; AH = high 5 bits of int number
and ah,0f8h
cmp ah,cs:picslave ; high IRQ?
je short intrirq ; if yes, do IRQ
cmp ah,cs:picmaster ; low IRQ?
jne short intrint ; if no, do INT (with general regs)
intrirq: ; an IRQ redirection
mov ds:@@intrirqintnum[edi],al ; modify code with interrupt number
mov si,PMODE_TEXT ; real mode target CS:IP
mov di,off @@intrirqf0
sub bx,6 ; adjust real mode SP for stored vars
db 66h ; JMP DWORD PTR, as in 32bit offset,
jmp word ptr cs:pmtormswrout ; not seg:16bit offset
db 0cdh ; INT @@intrirqintnum
@@intrirqintnum db ?
mov ax,SELZERO ; DS selector value for protected mode
mov cx,ax ; ES selector value for protected mode
pop ebx ; get protected mode SS:ESP from stack
pop dx
mov si,SELCODE ; target CS:EIP in protected mode
mov edi,off @@intrirqf1
jmp cs:rmtopmswrout ; go back to protected mode
mov edi,cs:codebase ; restore top of real mode stack
mov ax,cs:_pm_rmstacklen
add ds:rmstacktop[edi],ax
pop gs fs es ds ; restore all registers
intrint: ; an INT redirection
mov ds:@@intrintintnum[edi],al ; modify code with interrupt number
mov es,cs:selzero ; copy registers from protected mode
lea edi,[ebp-26h] ; stack to real mode stack
lea esi,[esp+8]
mov ecx,8
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ss:[esi]
mov si,PMODE_TEXT ; real mode target CS:IP
mov di,off @@intrintf0
sub bx,26h ; adjust real mode SP for stored vars
db 66h ; JMP DWORD PTR, as in 32bit offset,
jmp word ptr cs:pmtormswrout ; not seg:16bit offset
popad ; load regs with int call values
db 0cdh ; INT @@intrirqintnum
@@intrintintnum db ?
pushad ; store registers on stack
pushf ; store flags on stack
xor eax,eax ; EAX = linear ptr to SS
mov ax,ss
shl eax,4
movzx ebp,sp ; EBP = SP
mov ebx,[bp+22h] ; get protected mode SS:ESP from stack
mov dx,[bp+26h]
add ebp,eax ; EBP -> stored regs on stack
mov ax,SELZERO ; DS selector value for protected mode
mov cx,ax ; ES selector value for protected mode
mov si,SELCODE ; target CS:EIP in protected mode
mov edi,off @@intrintf1
jmp cs:rmtopmswrout ; go back to protected mode
mov edi,cs:codebase ; restore top of real mode stack
mov ax,cs:_pm_rmstacklen
add ds:rmstacktop[edi],ax
mov ax,ds:[ebp] ; move return FLAGS from real mode
mov [esp+30h],ax ; stack to protected mode stack
mov edi,ds:[ebp+2] ; restore return registers from real
mov esi,ds:[ebp+6] ; mode stack
mov ebx,ds:[ebp+18]
mov edx,ds:[ebp+22]
mov ecx,ds:[ebp+26]
mov eax,ds:[ebp+30]
mov ebp,ds:[ebp+10]
pop gs fs es ds ; restore segment regs
add esp,20h ; skip old general registers on stack
int21: ; watch for INT 21h AH=4Ch
cmp ah,4ch ; AH = 4Ch?
jne intrmatrix+4*21h ; if no, go to INT 21h redirection
mov ds,cs:selzero ; DS -> 0 (beginning of memory)
mov edi,cs:codebase ; EDI = offset of PMODE_TEXT from 0
mov ebx,cs:oldint15vector ; put back old INT 15h handler
mov ds:[4*15h],ebx
jmp intrmatrix+4*21h ; go to INT 21h redirection
int31: ; protected mode INT 31h handler
push ds es fs gs ; push regs needed
mov ds,cs:selzero ; DS -> 0 (beginning of memory)
push bx
mov bx,(INT31FUNCNUM - 1) * 2 ; number of functions to check
cmp ax,cs:int31functbl[bx] ; found function value?
jne short @@int31l0c
mov bx,cs:int31routtbl[bx] ; yes, go to appropriate handler
xchg bx,[esp]
sub bx,2 ; no, continue loop
jnc @@int31l0
pop bx ; no function found
jmp int31fail8001 ; error 8001h
int31fail8024: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8024h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8024h ; set AX on stack to 8024h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8023: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8023h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8023h ; set AX on stack to 8023h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8022: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8022h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8022h ; set AX on stack to 8022h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8021: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8021h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8021h ; set AX on stack to 8021h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8016: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8016h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8016h ; set AX on stack to 8016h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8015: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8015h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8015h ; set AX on stack to 8015h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8013: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8013h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8013h ; set AX on stack to 8013h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8012: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8012h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8012h ; set AX on stack to 8012h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8011: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8011h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8011h ; set AX on stack to 8011h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8010: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8010h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8010h ; set AX on stack to 8010h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31fail8001: ; INT 31h return fail with error 8001h
mov word ptr [esp+28],8001h ; set AX on stack to 8001h for POPAD
jmp short int31fail
int31failcx: ; INT 31h return fail with CX,AX
mov word ptr [esp+24],cx ; put CX onto stack for POPAD
int31failax: ; INT 31h return fail with AX
mov word ptr [esp+28],ax ; put AX onto stack for POPAD
int31fail: ; INT 31h return fail, pop all regs
pop gs fs es ds
int31failnopop: ; INT 31h return fail with carry set
or byte ptr [esp+8],1 ; set carry in EFLAGS on stack
int31okdx: ; INT 31h return ok with DX,CX,AX
mov [esp+20],dx ; put CX onto stack for POPAD
jmp short int31okcx
int31oksinoax: ; INT 31h return ok SI,DI,BX,CX
mov ax,[esp+28] ; get old value of AX for restore
int31oksi: ; INT 31h return ok SI,DI,BX,CX,AX
mov [esp+4],si ; put SI onto stack for POPAD
mov [esp],di ; put DI onto stack for POPAD
mov [esp+16],bx ; put BX onto stack for POPAD
int31okcx: ; INT 31h return ok with CX,AX
mov [esp+24],cx ; put CX onto stack for POPAD
int31okax: ; INT 31h return ok with AX
mov [esp+28],ax ; put AX onto stack for POPAD
int31ok: ; INT 31h return ok, pop all regs
pop gs fs es ds
int31oknopop: ; INT 31h return ok with carry clear
and byte ptr [esp+8],0feh ; clear carry in EFLAGS on stack
int31testsel: ; test for valid selector BX
pop bp ; pop return address
cmp bx,cs:gdtlimit ; selector BX out of range?
ja int31fail8022 ; if yes, fail with error 8022h
mov edi,cs:gdtbase ; get base of GDT
and bl,0f8h ; mask offset table index and RPL
movzx ebx,bx ; EBX = selector index
test byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+6],10h; is descriptor used?
jz int31fail8022 ; if descriptor not used, fail 8022h
jmp bp ; return ok
int31testaccess: ; test access bits in CX
pop bp ; pop return address
test ch,20h ; test MUST BE 0 bit in CH
jnz int31fail8021 ; if not 0, error 8021h
test cl,90h ; test present and MUST BE 1 bits
jz int31fail8021 ; if both 0, error 8021h
jpo int31fail8021 ; if unequal, error 8021h
test cl,60h ; test DPL
jnz int31fail8021 ; if not 0, error 8021h
test cl,8 ; if code, more tests needed
jz short @@int31testselok ; if data, skip code tests
test cl,6 ; test conforming and readable bits
jz int31fail8021 ; if both 0, error 8021h
jpe int31fail8021 ; if equal, error 8021h
jmp bp ; return ok
int310000: ; allocate descriptors
or cx,cx ; if CX = 0, error 8021h
jz int31fail8021
mov edx,cs:gdtbase ; get base of GDT
movzx eax,cs:gdtlimit ; EAX = last selector index
and al,0f8h
mov bx,cx ; BX = number of selectors to find
test byte ptr ds:[edx+eax+6],10h; is descriptor used?
jnz short @@int310000l0f0
dec bx ; found free descriptor, dec counter
jnz short @@int310000l0f1 ; continue if need to find more
mov ebx,eax ; found all descriptors requested
mov dword ptr ds:[edx+ebx],0 ; set entire new descriptor
mov dword ptr ds:[edx+ebx+4],109200h
add bx,8 ; increment selector index
dec cx ; dec counter of descriptors to mark
jnz @@int310000l1 ; loop if more to mark
jmp int31okax ; return ok, with AX
mov bx,cx ; reset number of selectors to find
sub ax,8 ; dec current selector counter
cmp ax,8*SYSSELECTORS ; more descriptors to go?
jae @@int310000l0 ; if yes, loop
jmp int31fail8011 ; did not find descriptors
int310001: ; free descriptor
call int31testsel ; test for valid selector BX
and byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+6],0efh; mark descriptor as free
mov cx,4 ; zero any segregs loaded with BX
lea ebp,[esp+32] ; EBP -> selectors on stack
cmp word ptr [ebp],bx ; selector = BX?
jne short @@int310001l0f0 ; if no, continue loop
mov word ptr [ebp],0 ; zero selector on stack
add ebp,2 ; increment selector ptr
loop @@int310001l0 ; loop
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310003: ; get selector increment value
mov ax,8 ; selector increment value is 8
jmp int31okax ; return ok, with AX
int310006: ; get segment base address
call int31testsel ; test for valid selector BX
mov dx,word ptr ds:[edi+ebx+2] ; low word of 32bit linear address
mov cl,byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+4] ; high word of 32bit linear address
mov ch,byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+7]
jmp int31okdx ; return ok, with DX, CX, AX
int310007: ; set segment base address
call int31testsel ; test for valid selector BX
mov word ptr ds:[edi+ebx+2],dx ; low word of 32bit linear address
mov byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+4],cl ; high word of 32bit linear address
mov byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+7],ch
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310008: ; set segment limit
call int31testsel ; test for valid selector BX
cmp cx,0fh ; limit greater than 1M?
jbe short @@int310008f0
mov ax,dx ; yup, limit greater than 1M
and ax,0fffh
cmp ax,0fffh ; low 12 bits set?
jne int31fail8021 ; if no, error 8021h
shrd dx,cx,12 ; DX = low 16 bits of page limit
shr cx,12 ; CL = high 4 bits of page limit
or cl,80h ; set granularity bit in CL
mov word ptr ds:[edi+ebx],dx ; put low word of limit
and byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+6],70h ; mask off G and high nybble of limit
or byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+6],cl ; put high nybble of limit
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310009: ; set descriptor access rights
call int31testsel ; test for valid selector BX
call int31testaccess ; test access bits in CX
or ch,10h ; set AVL bit, descriptor used
and ch,0f0h ; mask off low nybble of CH
and byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+6],0fh ; mask off high nybble access rights
or byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+6],ch ; or in high access rights byte
mov byte ptr ds:[edi+ebx+5],cl ; put low access rights byte
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int31000a: ; create alias descriptor
call int31testsel ; test for valid selector BX
mov ax,0000h ; allocate descriptor
mov cx,1
int 31h
jc int31fail8011 ; if failed, descriptor unavailable
push ax ; preserve allocated selector
push ds ; copy descriptor and set type data
pop es
movzx edi,ax ; EDI = target selector
mov esi,cs:gdtbase ; ESI -> GDT
add edi,esi ; adjust to target descriptor in GDT
add esi,ebx ; adjust to source descriptor in GDT
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; copy descriptor
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
mov ah,92h ; set descriptor type - R/W up data
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
pop ax ; restore allocated selector
jmp int31okax ; return ok, with AX
int31000b: ; get descriptor
call int31testsel ; test for valid selector BX
lea esi,[edi+ebx] ; ESI -> descriptor in GDT
mov edi,[esp] ; get EDI buffer ptr from stack
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; copy descriptor
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int31000c: ; set descriptor
call int31testsel ; test for valid selector BX
mov esi,[esp] ; ESI = EDI buffer ptr from stack
mov cx,es:[esi+5] ; get access rights from descriptor
call int31testaccess ; test access bits in CX
push ds ; swap DS and ES, target and source
push es
pop ds
pop es
add edi,ebx ; adjust EDI to descriptor in GDT
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; copy descriptor
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
or eax,100000h ; set descriptor AVL bit
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int31000e: ; get multiple descriptors
mov ax,000bh ; function 000bh, get descriptor
int31000ef: ; common to funcions 000eh and 000fh
or cx,cx ; if CX = 0, return ok immediately
jz int31ok
mov dx,cx ; DX = number of descriptors
xor cx,cx ; CX = successful counter
mov bx,es:[edi] ; BX = selector to get
add edi,2
int 31h ; get/set descriptor
jc int31failcx ; if error, fail with AX and CX
add edi,8 ; increment descriptor ptr
inc cx ; increment successful copy counter
dec dx ; decrement loop counter
jnz @@int31000efl0 ; if more descriptors to go, loop
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int31000f: ; set multiple descriptors
mov ax,000ch ; function 000ch, set descriptor
jmp int31000ef ; go to common function
int310200: ; get real mode interrupt vector
movzx ebx,bl ; EBX = BL (interrupt number)
mov dx,ds:[ebx*4] ; load real mode vector offset
mov cx,ds:[ebx*4+2] ; load real mode vector segment
jmp int31okdx ; return ok, with AX, CX, DX
int310201: ; set real mode interrupt vector
movzx ebx,bl ; EBX = BL (interrupt number)
mov ds:[ebx*4],dx ; set real mode vector offset
mov ds:[ebx*4+2],cx ; set real mode vector segment
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310204: ; get protected mode interrupt vector
movzx ebx,bl ; EBX = BL (interrupt number)
shl ebx,3 ; adjust for location in IDT
add ebx,cs:idtbase ; add base of IDT
mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ebx+4] ; get high word of offset
mov dx,word ptr ds:[ebx] ; get low word of offset
mov cx,word ptr ds:[ebx+2] ; get selector
jmp int31okdx ; return ok, with AX, CX, DX
int310205: ; set protected mode interrupt vector
xchg bx,cx ; swap int number with int selector
call int31testsel ; test for valid selector BX
movzx ecx,cl ; ECX = CL (interrupt number)
shl ecx,3 ; adjust for location in IDT
add ecx,cs:idtbase ; add base of IDT
mov word ptr ds:[ecx],dx ; set low word of offset
shr edx,16
mov word ptr ds:[ecx+6],dx ; set high word of offset
mov word ptr ds:[ecx+2],bx ; set selector
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310900: ; get and disable interrupt state
add esp,26h ; adjust stack
pop ds ; restore DS
btc word ptr [esp+8],9 ; test and clear IF bit in EFLAGS
setc al ; set AL = carry (IF flag from EFLAGS)
jmp int31oknopop ; return ok, dont pop registers
int310901: ; get and enable interrupt state
add esp,26h ; adjust stack
pop ds ; restore DS
bts word ptr [esp+8],9 ; test and set IF bit in EFLAGS
setc al ; set AL = carry (IF flag from EFLAGS)
jmp int31oknopop ; return ok, dont pop registers
int310902: ; get interrupt state
add esp,26h ; adjust stack
pop ds ; restore DS
bt word ptr [esp+8],9 ; just test IF bit in EFLAGS
setc al ; set AL = carry (IF flag from EFLAGS)
jmp int31oknopop ; return ok, dont pop registers
int310300: ; simulate real mode interrupt
movzx ebx,bl ; get real mode INT CS:IP
mov ebp,dword ptr ds:[ebx*4]
int31030012: ; common to 0300h, 0301h, and 0302h
mov esi,cs:codebase ; ESI = offset of PMODE_TEXT from 0
movzx ebx,word ptr es:[edi+2eh] ; EBX = SP from register structure
movzx edx,word ptr es:[edi+30h] ; EDX = SS from register structure
mov ax,bx ; check if caller provided stack
or ax,dx
jnz short @@int31030012f3 ; if yes, go on to set stack
mov dx,cs:rmstacktop ; DX = SS for real mode redirection
mov bx,cs:_pm_rmstacklen ; get size of real mode stack
sub dx,bx ; adjust DX to next stack location
cmp dx,cs:rmstackbase ; exceeded real mode stack space?
jb int31fail8012 ; if yes, error 8012h
mov ds:rmstacktop[esi],dx ; update ptr for possible reenterancy
shl bx,4 ; adjust BX from paragraphs to bytes
lea edi,[edx*4] ; EDI -> top of real mode stack
lea edi,[edi*4+ebx]
movzx ax,byte ptr [esp+28] ; AX = AL of original INT 31h call
and al,1 ; if function 0301h, AL=0, else, AL=2
xor al,1
shl al,1
sub bx,ax ; adjust BX for possible FLAGS
lea eax,[ecx*2] ; EAX = length of stack parms
sub bx,ax ; adjust real mode SP for stored vars
sub bx,36h
xchg ax,ds:rmstackparmlen[esi] ; store length of stack parms, save
push ax ; old value for possible reenterancy
mov ds:[edi-2],ss ; store SS:ESP on real mode stack
mov ds:[edi-6],esp
mov ds:[edi-8],es ; store ES on real mode stack
push ds ; swap DS and ES
push es
pop ds
pop es
std ; string copy backwards
sub edi,10 ; copy stack parms from protected mode
movzx ecx,cx ; stack to real mode stack
lea esi,[esp+ecx*2+36h-2]
rep movs word ptr es:[edi],word ptr ss:[esi]
mov esi,[esp+2] ; ESI = offset of structure from stack
mov ax,[esi+20h] ; AX = FLAGS from register structure
mov es:[edi],ax ; store data for real mode return IRET
cmp byte ptr [esp+30],1 ; check AL on stack for function code
je short @@int31030012f4 ; if function 0301h, go on
and ah,0fch ; 0300h or 0302h, clear IF and TF flag
cld ; string copy forward
lea edi,[edx*4] ; EDI -> bottom of stack
lea edi,[edi*4+ebx]
mov ecx,8 ; copy general regs to real mode stack
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
add esi,6 ; copy FS and GS to real mode stack
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
mov word ptr es:[edi+8],PMODE_TEXT ; return address from call
mov word ptr es:[edi+6],off @@int31030012f1
mov es:[edi+4],ax ; store FLAGS for real mode IRET maybe
mov dword ptr es:[edi],ebp ; put call address to real mode stack
mov ax,[esi-6] ; real mode DS from register structure
mov cx,[esi-8] ; real mode ES from register structure
mov si,PMODE_TEXT ; real mode target CS:IP
mov di,off @@int31030012f0
db 66h ; JMP DWORD PTR, as in 32bit offset,
jmp word ptr cs:pmtormswrout ; not seg:16bit offset
@@int31030012f0: ; real mode INT, FAR, or IRET call
popad ; load regs with call values
pop fs gs
iret ; go to call address
add sp,cs:rmstackparmlen ; remove stack parameters
push gs fs ds es ; store registers on stack
pushf ; store flags on stack
mov ax,ss ; EAX = linear ptr to SS
movzx eax,ax
shl eax,4
movzx ebp,sp ; EBP = SP
mov cx,[bp+2ah] ; get protected mode ES from stack
mov ebx,[bp+2ch] ; get protected mode SS:ESP from stack
mov dx,[bp+30h]
add ebp,eax ; EBP -> stored regs on stack
mov ax,SELZERO ; DS selector value for protected mode
mov si,SELCODE ; target CS:EIP in protected mode
mov edi,off @@int31030012f2
jmp cs:rmtopmswrout ; go back to protected mode
mov edi,cs:codebase ; restore old stack parameter length
pop ds:rmstackparmlen[edi]
mov edi,[esp] ; get structure offset from stack
mov esi,ebp ; copy return regs from real mode
mov ecx,15h ; stack to register structure
rep movs word ptr es:[edi],word ptr ds:[esi]
cmp dword ptr es:[edi+4],0 ; stack provided by caller?
jne int31ok ; if yes, done now
mov edi,cs:codebase ; restore top of real mode stack
mov ax,cs:_pm_rmstacklen
add ds:rmstacktop[edi],ax
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310301: ; call real mode FAR procedure
; same start as function 0302h
int310302: ; call real mode IRET procedure
mov ebp,dword ptr es:[edi+2ah] ; get target CS:IP from structure
jmp int31030012 ; go to common code
int310303: ; allocate real mode callback address
mov bl,cs:_pm_callbacks ; CL = total number of callbacks
or bl,bl ; are there any?
jz int31fail8015 ; if no, error 8015h
mov edx,cs:callbackbase ; EDX -> base of callbacks
mov ecx,edx ; for later use
cmp word ptr [edx+3],0 ; is this callback free?
jz short @@int310303f0 ; if yes, allocate
add edx,25 ; increment ptr to callback
dec bl ; decrement loop counter
jnz @@int310303l0 ; if more callbacks to check, loop
jmp int31fail8015 ; no free callback, error 8015h
mov bx,[esp+38] ; BX = caller DS from stack
mov [edx+3],bx ; store callback parms in callback
mov [edx+7],esi
mov [edx+12],es
mov [edx+16],edi
sub edx,ecx ; DX = offset of callback
shr ecx,4 ; CX = segment of callback
jmp int31okdx ; return ok, with DX, CX, AX
int310304: ; free real mode callback address
cmp cx,cs:callbackseg ; valid callback segment?
jne int31fail8024 ; if no, error 8024h
movzx ebx,dx ; EBX = offset of callback
xor ax,ax ; check if valid offset
xchg dx,ax
mov cx,25
div cx
or dx,dx ; is there a remainder
jnz int31fail8024 ; if yes, not valid, error 8024h
or ah,ah ; callback index too big?
jnz int31fail8024 ; if yes, not valid, error 8024h
cmp al,cs:_pm_callbacks ; callback index out of range?
jae int31fail8024 ; if yes, not valid, error 8024h
add ebx,cs:callbackbase ; EBX -> callback
mov word ptr [ebx+3],0 ; set callback as free
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310305: ; get state save/restore addresses
add esp,26h ; adjust stack
pop ds ; restore DS
xor ax,ax ; size needed is none
mov bx,PMODE_TEXT ; real mode seg of same RETF
mov cx,off vxr_saverestorerm ; same offset of 16bit RETF
mov si,cs ; selector of routine is this one
mov edi,off vxr_saverestorepm ; offset of simple 32bit RETF
jmp int31oknopop ; return ok, dont pop registers
int310306: ; get raw mode switch addresses
add esp,26h ; adjust stack
pop ds ; restore DS
mov si,cs ; selector of pmtorm rout is this one
mov edi,cs:pmtormswrout ; offset in this seg of rout
mov bx,PMODE_TEXT ; real mode seg of rmtopm rout
mov cx,cs:rmtopmswrout ; offset of rout in real mode
jmp int31oknopop ; return ok, dont pop registers
int310400: ; get version
add esp,26h ; adjust stack
pop ds ; restore DS
mov ax,100h ; return version 1.0
mov bx,3 ; capabilities
mov cl,cs:processortype ; processor type
mov dx,word ptr cs:picslave ; master and slave PIC values
jmp int31oknopop ; return ok, dont pop registers
int310500vsiditoesi: ; convert handle SI:DI to ptr ESI
pop bp ; pop return address
test di,3 ; is handle (ptr) aligned on dword?
jnz int31fail8023 ; if no, error 8023h
shl esi,16 ; ESI = SI:DI
mov si,di
cmp esi,cs:pagetablebase ; handle too low?
jb int31fail8023 ; if yes, error 8023h
cmp esi,cs:pagetabletop ; handle too high?
jae int31fail8023 ; if yes, error 8023h
test byte ptr [esi+1],2 ; is page first in allocated block?
jz int31fail8023 ; if no, error 8023h
jmp bp ; return ok
int310500vbxcxtoebx: ; convert BX:CX bytes to EBX pages
pop bp ; pop return address
shl ebx,16 ; EBX = BX:CX
mov bx,cx
or ebx,ebx ; check for invalid value
jz int31fail8021 ; if invalid value, error 8021h
add ebx,0fffh ; convert EBX to page count
shr ebx,12
jmp bp ; return ok
int310500vpmalloc: ; allocate physical memory block
mov edi,esi ; EDI = ESI, ptr to linear block start
xor ebp,ebp ; EBP = running allocated page count
mov ax,0de04h ; VCPI allocate a page
call fword ptr cs:vcpi_calleip
or ah,ah ; got a page?
jz short @@int310500vpmallocl0f0; if yes, go on
cmp ebp,1 ; allocated any pages?
jc short @@int310500vpmallocdone; if no, fail immediately
or byte ptr [edi-3],4 ; set last allocated page as last
call int310500vfree ; free what was allocated
stc ; carry set, failed
jmp short @@int310500vpmallocdone ; go to done
or dl,7 ; set page as user/writeable/present
mov [edi],edx ; store page in page table
add edi,4 ; increment page table ptr
inc ebp ; increment allocated page count
cmp ebp,ebx ; allocated all needed pages?
jb @@int310500vpmallocl0 ; if no, loop
or byte ptr [esi+1],2 ; set first allocated page as first
or byte ptr [edi-3],4 ; set last allocated page as last
clc ; carry clear, success
mov eax,ebp ; EAX = number of pages allocated
ret ; return
int310500vlmalloc: ; check for linear memory block
mov edi,cs:pagetablebase ; EDI = search ptr in page table
mov ecx,cs:pagetabletop ; ECX = count of pages to search
sub ecx,edi
shr ecx,2
xor edx,edx ; EDX = largest linear block found
xor eax,eax ; EAX = search unit, free entry (0)
push ebx ; preserve EBX, memory requested
jecxz short @@int310500vlmallocdone ; if no more entries, done
repne scas dword ptr es:[edi] ; search for first next free entry
jne short @@int310500vlmallocdone ; if no more free, go on
mov ebp,ecx ; EBP = current count
lea ebx,[edi-4] ; EBX = start of free block
repe scas dword ptr es:[edi] ; search for end of free linear block
jne short @@int310500vlmallocl0f0; if previous entry not free, go on
inc ebp ; previous entry free, extra one
sub ebp,ecx ; EBP = number of free pages in block
cmp ebp,edx ; new block larger than last largest?
jb @@int310500vlmallocl0 ; if no, loop
mov esi,ebx ; ESI = ptr to largest block found
mov edx,ebp ; size of new largest block found
cmp ebp,[esp] ; block sufficient for memory request?
jb @@int310500vlmallocl0 ; if no, loop
pop ebx ; restore EBX, memory requested
ret ; return
int310500vmalloc: ; allocate linear+physical mem block
call int310500vlmalloc ; try to allocate linear memory block
cmp edx,1 ; found ANY free linear area?
jc short @@int310500vmallocdone ; if no, done
cmp edx,ebx ; linear block enough for request?
jb short @@int310500vmallocf0 ; if no, go to physical memory check
call int310500vpmalloc ; try to allocate physical mem
mov cl,1 ; error is not enough physical memory
jmp short @@int310500vmallocdone; go to done
mov ebx,edx ; only linear block size physical mem
call int310500vpmalloc ; try to allocate physical memory
jc short @@int310500vmallocfaillinear ; if failed, done
call int310500vfree ; success, so must free block
mov eax,ebx ; can allocate this much total memory
stc ; carry set, failed
mov cl,0 ; error is not enough linear memory
ret ; return
int310500vfree: ; free linear+physical memory block
mov edi,esi ; EDI = ESI, ptr to linear block start
xor ecx,ecx ; new page table entry is free (0)
xchg ecx,[edi] ; swap ECX with page table entry
add edi,4 ; increment page table ptr
mov edx,ecx ; EDX = page table entry
and dx,0f000h ; mask off low 12 bits
mov ax,0de05h ; VCPI free a page
call fword ptr cs:vcpi_calleip
test ch,4 ; last page of block?
jz @@int310500vfreel0 ; if no, loop
ret ; return
int310500v: ; VCPI get free memory information
push ds ; ES = DS for VCPI malloc functions
pop es
mov ebx,0ffffffffh ; try to allocate an impossible amount
call int310500vmalloc
shl eax,12 ; returned EAX is highest possible
jmp int310500xsetbuf ; put memory information in buffer
int310501v: ; VCPI allocate memory block
push ds ; ES = DS for VCPI malloc functions
pop es
call int310500vbxcxtoebx ; convert BX:CX bytes to EBX pages
call int310500vmalloc ; try to allocate requested amount
jnc short int310501vaddxnhandle ; if successful, go to done
or cl,cl ; error is not enough linear memory?
jz int31fail8012 ; if yes, error 8013h
jmp int31fail8013 ; error is physical, error 8013h
mov ecx,esi ; figure address of block from handle
sub ecx,cs:pagetablebase
shl ecx,10
shld ebx,ecx,16
mov di,si ; SI:DI = ESI, handle
shr esi,16
mov eax,cs:vcpi_cr3 ; reload CR3 to clear TLB
mov cr3,eax
jmp int31oksinoax ; return ok, with SI, DI, BX, CX
int310502v: ; VCPI free memory block
call int310500vsiditoesi ; convert handle SI:DI to ptr ESI
call int310500vfree ; free memory block
mov eax,cs:vcpi_cr3 ; reload CR3 to clear TLB
mov cr3,eax
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310503v: ; VCPI resize memory block
push ds ; ES = DS for VCPI malloc functions
pop es
call int310500vbxcxtoebx ; convert BX:CX bytes to EBX pages
call int310500vsiditoesi ; convert handle SI:DI to ptr ESI
mov edi,esi ; EDI = ESI, ptr to linear block start
xor ebp,ebp ; EBP = running block size in pages
add edi,4 ; increment page table ptr
inc ebp ; increment block size
test byte ptr [edi-3],4 ; last page of block?
jz @@int310503vl0 ; if no, loop
sub ebx,ebp ; EBX = change in block size
jz int310501vaddxnhandle ; if no change, done
jc @@int310503vf0 ; if block made smaller, just free top
mov ecx,cs:pagetabletop ; ECX = count of pages to search
sub ecx,edi
shr ecx,2
mov edx,ecx ; EDX = current count
xor eax,eax ; EAX = search unit, free entry (0)
jecxz short @@int310503vf3 ; if no entries above, try below
repe scas dword ptr es:[edi] ; check for free entries above block
je short @@int310503vf2 ; if previous entry free, go on
dec edx ; previous entry not free, minus one
sub edx,ecx ; EDX = number of free pages in block
cmp edx,ebx ; enough linear memory?
jb short @@int310503vf3 ; if no, try below in linear memory
push esi ; preserve start of block
lea esi,[esi+ebp*4] ; ESI -> start of new block for alloc
call int310500vpmalloc ; try to allocate physical memory
mov edi,esi ; EDI -> start of new block
pop esi ; restore start of old block
jc int31fail8013 ; if alloc failed, error 8013h
and byte ptr [edi-3],0fbh ; clear last bit in old block end
and byte ptr [edi+1],0fdh ; clear first bit in new block start
jmp int310501vaddxnhandle ; go to done
mov ecx,esi ; ECX = count of pages to search up
sub ecx,cs:pagetablebase
shr ecx,2
or ecx,ecx ; any linear memory below?
jz @@int310503vf1 ; if no, try to allocate
push ebp ; preserve size of original block
lea edi,[esi-4] ; EDI = ESI, ptr to linear block start
mov ebp,ecx ; EBP = current count
std ; search is up
repe scas dword ptr es:[edi] ; check for free entries after block
je short @@int310503vf4 ; if previous entry free, go on
dec ebp ; previous entry not free, minus one
sub ebp,ecx ; EBP = number of free pages in block
lea eax,[ebp+edx] ; free size below + free size above
pop ebp ; restore original block size
cmp eax,ebx ; enough linear memory?
jb @@int310503vf1 ; if no, try to allocate
push esi ; preserve original block address
sub ebx,edx ; EBX = number of pages needed below
lea eax,[ebx*4] ; get base of block below
sub esi,eax
push edx ebp ; preserve some vars
call int310500vpmalloc ; try to allocate physical memory
pop ebp edx ; restore some vars
mov edi,esi ; EDI -> base of block below
pop esi ; restore base of original block
jc int31fail8013 ; if alloc failed, error 8013h
or edx,edx ; any pages needed above?
jz short @@int310503vf6 ; if no, go on
push esi edi ebp ; preserve some vars
mov ebx,edx ; EBX = size of block below
lea esi,[esi+ebp*4] ; ESI -> start of block above
call int310500vpmalloc ; try to allocate physical memory
pop ebp edi esi ; restore some vars
jnc short @@int310503vf5 ; if allocated ok, go on
mov esi,edi ; ESI -> allocated block below
call int310500vfree ; free allocated block below
jmp int31fail8013 ; fail, error 8013h
and byte ptr [esi-3],0fbh ; clear last bit in below block end
and byte ptr [esi+ebp*4+1],0fdh ; clear first bit in above block start
and byte ptr [edi+1],0fdh ; clear first bit in below block start
and byte ptr [esi+ebp*4-3],0fbh ; clear last bit in old block end
push edi ; preserve new block start
mov edx,edi ; EDX = base of move area
lea ebx,[esi-4] ; EBX = current location in move area
mov edi,ebx ; set up to shift up a page
mov esi,ebx
mov ecx,ebp
lods dword ptr ds:[esi] ; shift old pages a page down in table
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
sub ebx,4 ; decrement to next page to shift
cmp ebx,edx ; more pages to shift?
jae @@int310503vl1 ; if yes, loop
pop esi ; restore new block start address
jmp int310501vaddxnhandle ; go to done
add ebx,ebp ; restore EBX as requested size
push esi ebp ; preserve some vars
call int310500vlmalloc ; check for linear memory block
pop ebp edi ; restore some vars
cmp edx,ebx ; enough linear memory?
jb int31fail8012 ; if no, error 8012h
sub ebx,ebp ; EBX = extra pages needed
push esi ; preserve for later copy
lea esi,[esi+ebp*4] ; ESI -> start of extra space needed
push edi ebp ; preserve some vars
call int310500vpmalloc ; try to allocate physical memory
pop ecx esi edi ; restore some vars
jc int31fail8013 ; if not enough mem, error 8013h
push edi esi ecx ; preserve, new and old block, size
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; copy old block pages
and byte ptr [edi-3],0fbh ; clear last bit in old block end
and byte ptr [edi+1],0fdh ; clear first bit in new block start
pop ecx edi ; restore to clear old block
xor eax,eax ; new page table entry is free (0)
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; clear old page table block
pop esi ; restore new block address
jmp int310501vaddxnhandle ; go to done
sub edi,4 ; decrement page table ptr
xor edx,edx ; new page table entry is free (0)
xchg edx,[edi] ; swap EDX with page table entry
and dx,0f000h ; mask off low 12 bits
mov ax,0de05h ; VCPI free a page
call fword ptr cs:vcpi_calleip
inc ebx ; increment negative change counter
jnz @@int310503vf0 ; if more pages to free, loop
or byte ptr [edi-3],4 ; set next page up as last of block
jmp int310501vaddxnhandle ; go to done
int31050av: ; VCPI get memory block size and base
shrd ecx,esi,16 ; figure address of block from handle
mov cx,di
sub ecx,cs:pagetablebase
shl ecx,10
shld ebx,ecx,16
call int310500vsiditoesi ; convert handle SI:DI to ptr ESI
xor edi,edi ; EDI = running page count
inc edi ; increment page count
lods dword ptr ds:[esi] ; EAX = page table entry
test ah,4 ; is this the last page of the block?
jz @@int31050avl0 ; if no, loop
shl edi,12 ; convert EDI pages to bytes
shld esi,edi,16 ; SI:DI = EDI, size in bytes
jmp int31oksinoax ; return ok, with SI, DI, BX, CX
mov es,[esp+24h] ; get ES:EDI buffer ptr from stack
mov edi,[esp]
stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; store block size in output buffer
mov ecx,0bh ; fill rest of buffer with 0ffffffffh
mov eax,0ffffffffh
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310500xcallxms: ; make a all to real mode XMS driver
pop bp ; pop return address
sub esp,32h ; stack space for register structure
mov [esp+1ch],ax ; put AX in register structure
mov [esp+10h],bx ; put BX in register structure
mov [esp+18h],cx ; put CX in register structure
mov [esp+14h],dx ; put DX in register structure
mov word ptr [esp+20h],0 ; zero FLAGS in register structure
mov dword ptr [esp+2eh],0 ; zero SS:SP in register structure
mov eax,dword ptr cs:xms_callip ; put XMS driver address in CS:IP in
mov [esp+2ah],eax ; regis]er structure
push ss ; ES:EDI -> register structure
pop es
mov edi,esp
xor cx,cx ; copy 0 words as stack parameters
xor bh,bh ; doesnt really need to be here
mov ax,301h ; call real mode FAR procedure
int 31h
mov ax,[esp+1ch] ; get AX from register structure
mov bx,[esp+10h] ; get BX from register structure
mov cx,[esp+18h] ; get CX from register structure
mov dx,[esp+14h] ; get DX from register structure
lea esp,[esp+32h] ; adjust ESP without changing FLAGS
jc int31fail8010 ; if INT 31h failed, error 8010h
jmp bp ; return ok
int310500xbxcxtodx: ; convert BX:CX bytes to DX K
pop bp ; pop return address
mov dx,cx ; check for invalid value, BX=CX=0
or dx,bx
jz int31fail8021 ; if invalid value, error 8021h
add cx,1023+15 ; adjust for size in K and align
adc bx,0
test bh,0fch ; memory request too high
jnz int31fail8013 ; if yes, error 8013h
shrd cx,bx,10 ; CX = memory in K
mov dx,cx
jmp bp ; return ok
int310500xerror: ; XMS error, return with DPMI error
cmp bl,0a0h ; out of memory?
je int31fail8013 ; if yes, error 8013h
cmp bl,0a1h ; handles exhausted?
je int31fail8016 ; if yes, error 8016h
cmp bl,0a2h ; invalid handle?
je int31fail8023 ; if yes, error 8023h
jmp int31fail8010 ; else, error 8010h
int310500x: ; XMS get free memory information
mov ah,8 ; get largest free memory block in K
call int310500xcallxms
movzx eax,ax ; EAX = free memory in bytes
shl eax,10
sub eax,15 ; adjust by extra alignment size
jnc int310500xsetbuf ; if no overflow, put info to buffer
xor eax,eax ; overflow, so no memory available
jmp int310500xsetbuf ; put memory information in buffer
int310501x: ; XMS allocate memory block
call int310500xbxcxtodx ; convert BX:CX bytes to DX K
mov cx,dx ; preserve size of block in K
mov ah,9 ; allocate DX K of XMS memory
call int310500xcallxms
or ax,ax ; error?
jz int310500xerror ; if yes, convert XMS error to DPMI
mov si,dx ; get DPMI handle from XMS handle
mov ah,0ch ; lock memory block
call int310500xcallxms
or ax,ax ; error?
jnz short @@int310501xf0 ; if no, go on
push bx ; yup, preserve error number
mov ah,0ah ; free block causing lock error
call int310500xcallxms
pop bx ; restore error number
jmp int310500xerror ; XMS error, return with DPMI error
mov di,cx ; low word of DPMI handle is size in K
mov cx,bx ; XMS linear address to DPMI regs
mov bx,dx
add cx,0fh ; align linear address on paragraph
adc bx,0
and cl,0f0h
jmp int31oksinoax ; return ok, with SI, DI, BX, CX
int310502x: ; XMS free memory block
mov dx,si ; get XMS handle from DPMI handle
mov ah,0dh ; unlock memory block
call int310500xcallxms
or ax,ax ; error?
jz int310500xerror ; if XMS error, return with DPMI error
mov ah,0ah ; free memory block
call int310500xcallxms
or ax,ax ; error?
jz int310500xerror ; if yes, convert XMS error to DPMI
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310503x: ; XMS resize memory block
call int310500xbxcxtodx ; convert BX:CX bytes to DX K
mov cx,dx ; preserve size of block in K
mov dx,si ; get XMS handle from DPMI handle
mov ah,0dh ; unlock memory block
call int310500xcallxms
or ax,ax ; error?
jz int310500xerror ; if XMS error, return with DPMI error
mov bx,cx ; BX = new size in K
mov ah,0fh ; resize memory block
call int310500xcallxms
mov dx,si ; get XMS handle again
or ax,ax ; error in resize?
jnz int310501xgotmem ; if no, go to memory block code
push bx ; yup, preserve error number
mov ah,0ch ; lock memory block
call int310500xcallxms
pop bx ; restore error number
jmp int310500xerror ; XMS error, return with DPMI error
int31050ax: ; XMS get memory block size and base
mov dx,si ; get XMS handle from DPMI handle
mov si,di ; SI = size of block in K
mov ah,0dh ; unlock memory block
call int310500xcallxms
or ax,ax ; error?
jz int310500xerror ; if XMS error, return with DPMI error
mov ah,0ch ; lock memory block
call int310500xcallxms
or ax,ax ; error?
jz int310500xerror ; if XMS error, return with DPMI error
xor di,di ; convert size in K to size in bytes
shrd di,si,6
shr si,6
mov cx,bx ; XMS linear address to DPMI regs
mov bx,dx
mov ax,cx ; figure out alignment stub
dec ax
and ax,0fh
xor al,0fh
sub di,ax ; subtract alignment stub from size
sbb si,0
add cx,0fh ; align linear address on paragraph
adc bx,0
and cl,0f0h
jmp int31oksinoax ; return ok, with SI, DI, BX, CX
int310500rnomem: ; no free extended memory present
xor eax,eax ; 0 available extended memory
jmp int310500xsetbuf ; put memory information in buffer
int310500rbxcxtoebx: ; convert BX:CX bytes to EBX bytes
pop bp ; pop return address
shl ebx,16 ; EBX = BX:CX
mov bx,cx
or ebx,ebx ; check for invalid value
jz int31fail8021 ; if invalid value, error 8021h
add ebx,0fh ; align EBX on paragraph
and bl,0f0h
jmp bp ; return ok
int310500rfindmcb: ; find MCB for handle SI:DI
pop bp ; pop return address
shl esi,16 ; ESI = handle SI:DI = address of MCB
mov si,di
mov edi,cs:rawextmemtop ; EDI -> first memory control block
cmp edi,esi ; found MCB?
jne short @@int310500rfindmcbl0f0 ; if no, keep looking
cmp byte ptr [edi-4],0 ; memory block free?
je int31fail8023 ; if yes, error 8023h
jmp bp ; return ok, found MCB
mov edi,[edi-12] ; EDI -> next memory control block
or edi,edi ; is there another MCB?
jnz @@int310500rfindmcbl0 ; if yes, loop
jmp int31fail8023 ; fail, error 8023h
int310500radjustused: ; adjust INT 15h extended memory used
mov eax,cs:rawextmemtop ; EAX -> first memory control block
cmp dword ptr [eax-12],0 ; last memory control block?
jz short @@int310500radjustusedf0 ; if yes, go to set new used K
mov eax,[eax-12] ; EAX -> next memory control block
jmp @@int310500radjustusedl0 ; loop
cmp byte ptr [eax-4],0 ; memory block free?
je short @@int310500radjustusedf1 ; if no, go on
sub eax,[eax-16] ; used, adjust by size of block
sub eax,10h ; adjust by size of MCB
and eax,0fffffc00h ; align on K
sub eax,cs:rawextmemtop ; size of extended memory used
neg eax
shr eax,10 ; convert from bytes to K
mov ebp,cs:codebase ; EBP = offset of PMODE_TEXT from 0
mov ds:rawextmemused[ebp],ax ; adjust INT 15h extended memory used
ret ; return
int310500rlinkmcb: ; link memory blocks at ESI and EDI
mov eax,[esi-16] ; combine two block sizes
add eax,10h
add [edi-16],eax ; add size of next block to this one
mov ecx,[esi-12] ; copy next MCB field
mov [edi-12],ecx
jecxz short @@int310500rlinkmcbf0 ; if no next MCB, done
mov [ecx-8],edi ; set prev MCB in next MCB to this MCB
ret ; return
int310500r: ; raw get free memory information
mov edi,cs:rawextmemtop ; EDI -> first memory control block
xor eax,eax ; running highest free memory block
cmp byte ptr [edi-4],0 ; is block free?
jne short @@int310500rl0f0 ; if no, loop
mov ebx,[edi-16] ; EBX = size of block
cmp eax,ebx ; last free block larger?
ja short @@int310500rl0f0 ; if yes, loop
mov eax,ebx ; found larger block, new largest
mov edi,[edi-12] ; EDI -> next memory control block
or edi,edi ; is there another MCB?
jnz @@int310500rl0 ; if yes, loop
jmp int310500xsetbuf ; put memory information in buffer
int310501r: ; raw allocate memory block
call int310500rbxcxtoebx ; convert BX:CX bytes to EBX bytes
mov edi,cs:rawextmemtop ; EDI -> first memory control block
cmp byte ptr ds:[edi-4],0 ; is block free?
je short @@int310501rl0f2 ; if yes, check block
mov edi,[edi-12] ; EDI -> next memory control block
or edi,edi ; is there another MCB?
jnz @@int310501rl0 ; if yes, loop
jmp int31fail8013 ; fail, error 8013h
lea ecx,[edi-10h] ; ECX -> possible new MCB
sub ecx,ebx
mov eax,[edi-16] ; EAX = size of block
sub eax,ebx ; enough free memory in block?
jc short @@int310501rl0f0 ; if no, loop
jz short @@int310501rl0f1 ; if exactly same size, continue
sub eax,10h ; adjust for size of new created MCB
mov [ecx-16],eax ; put size of new block in new MCB
mov eax,ecx ; set next MCB in old MCB as new one
xchg [edi-12],eax ; copy next MCB from old to new MCB
mov [ecx-12],eax
or eax,eax ; is there a next MCB?
jz short @@int310501rl0f3 ; if no, go on
mov [eax-8],ecx ; set prev MCB in next MCB to new MCB
mov [ecx-8],edi ; set prev MCB in new MCB as old one
mov byte ptr [ecx-4],0 ; set new MCB as free
mov [edi-16],ebx ; set size of allocated block
mov byte ptr [edi-4],1 ; set block as allocated
shld ebx,ecx,16 ; BX:CX = ECX, address of block
shld esi,edi,16 ; SI:DI = EDI, handle (address of MCB)
call int310500radjustused ; adjust INT 15h extended memory used
jmp int31oksinoax ; return ok, with SI, DI, BX, CX
int310502r: ; raw free memory block
call int310500rfindmcb ; find MCB for handle SI:DI
mov byte ptr [edi-4],0 ; set this memory block as free
mov esi,[edi-12] ; ESI -> next memory control block
or esi,esi ; is there next MCB?
jz short @@int310502rf0 ; if no, go on
cmp byte ptr [esi-4],0 ; is next memory block free?
jne short @@int310502rf0 ; if no, go on
call int310500rlinkmcb ; link two memory blocks
mov esi,[edi-8] ; ESI -> previous memory control block
or esi,esi ; is there previous MCB?
jz short @@int310502rf1 ; if no, go on
cmp byte ptr [esi-4],0 ; is previous memory block free?
jne short @@int310502rf1 ; if no, go on
xchg esi,edi ; change mcb order for function
call int310500rlinkmcb ; link two memory blocks
call int310500radjustused ; adjust INT 15h extended memory used
jmp int31ok ; return ok
int310503r: ; raw resize memory block
call int310500rbxcxtoebx ; convert BX:CX bytes to EBX bytes
mov edx,ebx ; EDX = size of new block
call int310500rfindmcb ; find MCB for handle SI:DI
push ds ; ES = DS for possible block copy
pop es
sub ebx,[esi-16] ; EBX = change in block size
jz @@int310503rf0 ; if no change, done
jc @@int310503rf1 ; if block made smaller, just free top
xor eax,eax ; running memory counter
mov ecx,[esi-12] ; ECX -> next MCB
jecxz short @@int310503rf4 ; if no next MCB, check previous MCB
cmp byte ptr [ecx-4],0 ; next MCB free?
jne short @@int310503rf4 ; if not, check previous MCB
mov eax,[ecx-16] ; EAX = amount of free memory in block
add eax,10h ; including memory control block
mov ecx,[esi-8] ; ECX -> previous MCB
jecxz short @@int310503rf5 ; if no previous MCB, check memory
cmp byte ptr [ecx-4],0 ; previous MCB free?
jne short @@int310503rf5 ; if not, check memory
add eax,[ecx-16] ; add amount of free memory in block
add eax,10h ; including memory control block
cmp eax,ebx ; enough to resize within area
jb @@int310503rf3 ; if no, try to allocate
or ecx,ecx ; is there a previous MCB?
jz @@int310503rf6 ; if no, resize to next
cmp byte ptr [ecx-4],0 ; previous MCB free?
jne short @@int310503rf6 ; if not, resize to next
mov ebp,[ecx-16] ; EBP = size of previous block, try to
add ebp,10h ; resize within previous block
sub ebp,ebx ; EBP = prev block size - needed size
jbe short @@int310503rf7 ; if prev block too small, go on
mov edi,ecx ; EDI -> new MCB for new memory block
sub edi,ebp ; resize will fit entirely
lea eax,[ebp-10h] ; EAX = new size of free block
mov [ecx-16],eax ; store mew free size in prev MCB
mov [edi-16],edx ; store new size in new MCB
mov [ecx-12],edi ; set next MCB in prev MCB to new MCB
mov [edi-8],ecx ; set prev MCB in new MCB to prev MCB
mov byte ptr [edi-4],1 ; set new MCB as used
mov ecx,[esi-12] ; copy next MCB field
mov [edi-12],ecx
or ecx,ecx ; is there a next MCB
jz @@int310503rf0 ; if no, go to block readjust
mov [ecx-8],edi ; set prev MCB in next MCB to new MCB
jmp @@int310503rf0 ; go to block readjust
mov edi,ecx ; EDI -> new MCB for new memory block
lea eax,[edx+ebp] ; EAX = size of new block
mov [edi-16],eax ; store mew free size in new MCB
mov byte ptr [edi-4],1 ; set new MCB as used
mov ecx,[esi-12] ; copy next MCB field
mov [edi-12],ecx
jecxz short @@int310503rf8 ; if no next MCB, go on
mov [ecx-8],edi ; set prev MCB in next MCB to new MCB
add ebp,ebx ; EBP = size of block just acquired
sub ebx,ebp ; EBX = new size still needed
jz @@int310503rf0 ; if no more space needed, done
mov esi,edi ; ESI -> new MCB
mov edi,[esi-12] ; EDI -> next MCB
mov ecx,[edi-12] ; copy next MCB field
mov [esi-12],ecx
jecxz short @@int310503rf9 ; if no next MCB, go on
mov [ecx-8],esi ; set prev MCB in next MCB to this MCB
mov eax,[edi-16] ; EAX = size of next memory block
add eax,10h
sub edi,eax ; EDI -> start of next memory block
sub eax,ebx ; EAX = amount of free space left
mov ecx,[esi-16] ; ECX = old size of this memory block
mov [esi-16],edx ; store new size in this MCB
mov byte ptr [esi-4],1 ; set this MCB as used
sub esi,ecx ; ESI -> start of this memory block
sub esi,10h
shr ecx,2 ; copy this memory block down in mem
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
add esi,10h ; adjust ESI to top MCB
mov edi,esi ; EDI -> top MCB
mov ebx,eax ; EBX = negative of space free at top
neg ebx
jz @@int310503rf0 ; in no space free, go to done
jmp short @@int310503rf1 ; set new MCBs for moved block
mov ebp,edi ; preserve old block MCB address
sub edx,ebx ; EDX = size of old block
mov bx,[esp+16] ; BX:CX = new block size from stack
mov cx,[esp+24]
mov ax,501h ; try to allocate new block
int 31h
jc int31failax ; if could not, fail with error AX
shrd eax,esi,16 ; EAX -> new block MCB
mov ax,di
shrd edi,ebx,16 ; EDI -> start of new block
mov di,cx
lea esi,[ebp-10h] ; ESI -> start of old block
sub esi,edx
mov ecx,edx ; copy memory from old block to new
shr ecx,2
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
mov edx,eax ; EDX -> new block MCB
shld esi,ebp,16 ; SI:DI = handle of old block
mov di,bp
mov ax,0502h ; free old block
int 31h
mov edi,edx ; EDI -> new block MCB for done
jmp short @@int310503rf0 ; go to done
lea edi,[esi+ebx] ; EDI -> new MCB for new memory block
lea eax,[ebx+10h] ; EAX = size of freed block
neg eax
mov [esi-16],eax ; store freed size in old MCB
mov [edi-16],edx ; store new size in new MCB
mov ecx,[esi-12] ; copy next MCB field
mov [edi-12],ecx
jecxz short @@int310503rf2 ; if no next MCB, go on
mov [ecx-8],edi ; set prev MCB in next MCB to new MCB
mov [esi-12],edi ; set next MCB in old MCB as new MCB
mov [edi-8],esi ; set prev MCB in new MCB as old MCB
mov byte ptr [edi-4],1 ; set new MCB as used
mov byte ptr [esi-4],0 ; set old MCB as free
mov ecx,[esi-8] ; ECX -> prev MCB of old MCB
jecxz short @@int310503rf0 ; if no prev MCB, done
cmp byte ptr [ecx-4],0 ; is previous MCB free?
jne short @@int310503rf0 ; if no, dont link
push edi ; preserve new MCB
mov edi,ecx ; top MCB = prev MCB for link function
call int310500rlinkmcb ; link two memory blocks
pop edi ; restore new MCB
mov ecx,[edi-16] ; ECX = base address of new block
neg ecx
lea ecx,[ecx+edi-10h]
jmp int310501raddxnhandle ; return address and handle
int31050ar: ; raw get memory block size and base
call int310500rfindmcb ; find MCB for handle SI:DI
mov edi,[esi-16] ; EDI = size of memory block
lea ecx,[esi-10h] ; get base address of memory block
sub ecx,edi
shld ebx,ecx,16 ; BX:CX = ECX, address of block
shld esi,edi,16 ; SI:DI = EDI, size of memory block
jmp int31oksinoax ; return ok, with SI, DI, BX, CX